September 3, 2010

Tear You Down Build Me Up

The Quiet Storm

Ocelot might've been a year or two too early. The kicked a shit-ton of ass around Atlanta in the early aughts, but broke up before they really made a splash on a national level. I saw them in 2002 headline a show with Maserati and Explosions in the Sky as the openers. That's balls, right?

But anyway, this is a great instrumental rock record. These guys knew what they were doing. Drummer Alex Lambert has been in a handful of Atlanta bands, though imo none as good as Ocelot. I don't really know what the rest of the guys have done. Like 7 years ago I used to see bassist Brian Harris working at a pizza joint in Atlanta. Guiarist Kenyon Tavares was (maybe still is) the bartender at The Local, one of the better bars in Atlanta. Also there was a stretch where I saw him at literally every single show I went to, even the first Pitchfork Festival, way the fuck up in Chicago. Speaking of which, if you google "ocelot the quiet storm" the first result is a fairly badly written review I wrote of this record way back for Pitchfork. I can't really write for shit now, but back then I really couldn't write for shit.

At any rate, this is a little different than the usual crap I post, but it comes highly recommended.

The Quiet Storm


TripleLindy said...

I was actually the drummer on this record and the first one also - "Today, Yesterday and Tommorow". Alex took over and recorded a record which remains unreleased.


TripleLindy said...

I was actually the drummer on this record and the only other release from 2 years earlier called "Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow". Alex took over several months after this record was released and recorded an album that is yet-unreleased. Kenyon is still at the Local, Aaron moved to Austin, TX, Bryon is M.I.A for the last couple of years and I am still in Atlanta - now a father of two. Thanks for the review!


TripleLindy said...

Kenyon is still at the Local, Aaron moved to Austin, TX several years ago, Brian is totally MIA and I still live in Atlanta and am father of 2 now. I still hang out with Kenyon when we can and unfortunatly only keep up with Aaron via Facebook.


Freikja said...

I just did a search for the band to see if they were still around, and ran across this blog. I used to work with a couple of the boys at Tortillas and the local and was trying to track them down and catch up. Do either of you know if they're on Facebook or some other social network where l can shoot them a friend request/note to say hi? It would be much appreciated!