August 31, 2010

I Turned Into A Martian

The Undead
12 Hits From Hell Uncovered

You know that The Undead is early Misfits guitarist Bobby Steele's long-running project. The Misfits famously lambasted Steele on a widely circulated bootleg by changing the lyrics to "I Turned Into A Martian" to "Bobby Steele's an asshole/fucking cunt," and "Bobby Steele, The Undead suck/they fucking suck!" etc. I wonder if The Misfits had become the biggest band on the planet (like, say, Metallica), would Bobby Steele be super bitter and bring them up in every single interview and still refer to them as "my old band" like 30 years later (like, say Dave Mustaine). But I digress.

The Undead were never that good, but they weren't that bad either. Steele named a live album Live Slayer, which is pretty funny. You gotta give him credit for that, right? But he also always felt it necessary to remind everyone that he was in The Misfits, which is why, I guess, in 2007 he yanked out a full-album cover of The Misits' never-released 12 Hits From Hell album, the only full-length of theirs that he appeared on. It's not very good, but that should not stop you from listening to it. I mean, honestly, if I didn't listen to things just because they kind of sucked, I'd only have like 4 albums on my hard drive.

12 Hits From Hell Uncovered

1 comment:


"If I didn't listen to things just because they kind of sucked, I'd only have like 4 albums on my hard drive." This is pretty much my favorite line in any record review, ever.

Great blog, btw.