August 19, 2009

Not Straight Edge

Plain Wrap!
Original Music for a Generic World

A lot of my early exposure to punk rock came from the GA Tech student-run radio station WREK's weekly punk show Coup de Grace. Between it and their metal show, Wrekage (mentioned a time or two already on this blog), WREK had a huge influence on the development of my musical taste. I used to tape each show weekly, and then compile the songs onto 90-minute mix tapes and listen to them over and over. I wish I still had some. I have one tape of Coup de Grace still (an all-covers show), but alas no tape player.

One of the songs that I played endlessly was Plain Wrap!'s "Not Straight Edge", though for the longest time I thought it was "Non-Straight Edge". Not that it makes much of a difference. At any rate, these guys play super-energetic, poppy, new-wave punk of the mid-80s variety. This is a fun, energetic record. Recommended.

Oh, these guys have recently reunited to play some shows, though I'm not sure they've made it outside of California. But if you seem 'em coming around, go check them out. I know I will.

Original Music for a Generic World


sunna. said...

Haven't heard this record in a long time. I also grew up with WREK and it's various punk show incarnations (Coup De Grace, Throttle, Anti Mohawk Tongue Spout, Radiobomb). The bassist of this band was also in The Brigade on their 2 albums as Bob "Gnarly" Stern.

cdb said...

Awesome, I didn't know about that connection. Cool stuff.